LinkedIn Profile Tips to Get You Noticed!

LinkedIn can be a great tool to use in your job search. Research suggests 95% of hiring managers use the online platform to find job candidates.

Your LinkedIn profile should be a highlight reel of your skills and expertise. Here are some tips to creating a LinkedIn profile that’ll get you noticed.

Make a Professional First Impression

Your profile picture is the first thing hiring managers will see. Use a professional headshot with a distraction-free background. Look at other professionals’ profile pictures to find inspiration for yours.

Set the Tone Using Your Headline

Use your profile headline to describe the work you do, not just your job title. Statements such as “Developing family-first mobile apps for eight years,” stands out more to hiring managers than “App Designer.”

Summarize Your Experience

Tell your story in your summary. Describe yourself, your experience, and accomplishments in two to five sentences using action verbs to grabs hiring managers’ attention.

Think of Your LinkedIn Profile as An Interactive Resume

Just like on your resume, use bullet points, statistics, and numbers to highlight your work experiences and accomplishments to show the impact you made in your position(s).

Add projects, volunteer experience, or second languages. Also add photos, videos, and other multimedia content that demonstrate your passion for your job.

Engage with Your Network

According to research, 40% of job seekers on the site engage with their network daily. Share professional content about industry trends and happenings, such as new technologies, or express your expertise by writing and publishing blogs.

Having a LinkedIn profile that jumps out to hiring managers will make your LinkedIn job search successful. Make sure your profile matches your resume and is entirely filled out.

Be active, make connections and use these tips to get closer to completing your job search goals.